Our Products

“At SkyLane Dronetech, we don’t just adapt to change; we drive it. Join us in the pursuit of excellence, innovation, and sustainability. Together, we are shaping a brighter future for Central India and beyond.”

Our highlights

These are some of our major offerings. We believe in growth of the society.

Agri entrepreneur service

We will provide you setup or help you to become an entrepreneur. If you are looking forward a helping partner we are here for you. Thank you for contacting us in advance.

Agriculture Drone

According to MORDOR Intelligence, the agri drone market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.1% during the period of 2021-2026. Our use of multispectral and microwave imaging via drones revolutionizes crop health analysis and treatment while providing valuable insights for yield forecasting.

DAAS Network

SkyLane Dronetech’s journey began in the agriculture sector, with a clear mission to bridge the gap between technology and farmers. We offer Drone as a Service (DaaS) specifically tailored for the Indian terrain. 

UAV Shoppee


Coming Soon


Agri Entrepreneur Service

Agri Entrepreneur Service

A franchise is a business model in which an individual or entity (the franchisee) is granted the right by a parent company or franchisor to operate a business using its established brand, products, services, and operational methods. In exchange for this right, the franchisee typically pays fees and royalties to the franchisor.

Here are some key elements and characteristics of a franchise:

  1. Franchisor-Franchisee Relationship: At the core of a franchise is a legal and contractual relationship between the franchisor (the owner of the established business) and the franchisee (the person or entity seeking to operate a similar business). The franchise agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the franchisee operates.

  2. Branding and Trademarks: Franchisees benefit from using the franchisor’s established brand, trademarks, logos, and trade secrets. This association with a recognized brand can provide a competitive advantage and help attract customers.

  3. Operational Support: Franchisors often provide extensive support to franchisees. This support may include training, marketing assistance, supply chain management, and ongoing guidance to ensure that franchisees can operate the business successfully.

  4. Fees and Royalties: Franchisees typically pay an initial franchise fee to obtain the right to operate under the brand. They may also pay ongoing royalties based on a percentage of their sales or profits. These fees help support the franchisor’s ongoing support and brand development efforts.

  5. Standardized Operations: Franchisors establish standardized operational procedures and quality standards that franchisees are expected to follow. This consistency helps maintain the brand’s reputation and customer experience across all franchise locations.

  6. Territorial Rights: Franchise agreements often specify territorial rights, limiting competition from other franchisees within a certain geographic area.

  7. Business Autonomy: While franchisees benefit from the established brand and support, they still have some degree of autonomy in managing their day-to-day operations. However, they are expected to adhere to the franchisor’s guidelines and standards.

  8. Renewal and Exit: Franchise agreements typically have defined terms, often renewable, during which the franchisee can operate the business. When the agreement expires or if the franchisee decides to exit the business, there are usually procedures for transferring or selling the franchise to another party.

  9. Legal Compliance: Franchise relationships are regulated by various laws and regulations in many countries. Franchisors are often required to provide disclosure documents to potential franchisees, outlining key terms and financial information.

Franchising can be an attractive business model for individuals looking to start their own business with the support and guidance of an established brand. It allows franchisees to tap into a proven business concept while still having some degree of independence in running their operations. Franchisors, on the other hand, expand their brand’s reach and revenue through franchise fees and royalties while mitigating some of the risks associated with new business ventures.


Daas Network

“Drone as a Service” (DaaS) refers to the business model where companies provide drone-related services to other businesses or individuals on a subscription or on-demand basis. This model has gained popularity as drones are increasingly being used in various industries for tasks such as aerial surveys, inspections, agriculture, surveillance, and more. Here are some key aspects of Drone as a Service:

  1. Service Offerings:

    • Aerial Photography and Videography: Providing high-quality images and videos for marketing, real estate, events, and more.
    • Surveying and Mapping: Conducting aerial surveys for construction sites, agricultural fields, and infrastructure projects.
    • Inspections: Inspecting infrastructure, such as bridges, power lines, pipelines, and towers for maintenance and safety checks.
    • Agriculture: Monitoring crop health, analyzing field data, and optimizing farming practices.
    • Emergency Response: Providing rapid aerial assessment during emergencies like natural disasters or accidents.
  2. Subscription and On-Demand Models:

    • Subscription: Businesses may subscribe to a drone service for regular and ongoing needs, such as monitoring construction sites or inspecting infrastructure.
    • On-Demand: Users can request drone services as needed, paying for specific tasks or projects.
  3. Advantages:

    • Cost-Effective: Users don’t need to invest in purchasing and maintaining their own drones.
    • Expertise: Drone service providers often have skilled operators and specialized equipment for various applications.
    • Scalability: Businesses can scale their drone usage up or down based on their needs without the burden of ownership.
  4. Regulatory Compliance:

    • Companies providing DaaS must comply with local aviation regulations. This includes obtaining necessary permits, licenses, and adhering to airspace regulations.
  5. Technology Integration:

    • Drone service providers may leverage advanced technologies such as AI, machine learning, and computer vision to enhance data analysis and provide more valuable insights.
  6. Data Security and Privacy:

    • Handling and securing data collected by drones is crucial, especially in industries where privacy and sensitive information are concerns.
  7. Customization:

    • Drone services can be tailored to meet specific industry needs, ensuring that the collected data is relevant and actionable.
  8. Training and Support:

    • Drone service providers often offer training programs and customer support to help clients understand and maximize the benefits of drone technology.

DaaS is an evolving industry, and as technology continues to advance and regulations adapt, the range of services and applications is likely to expand.

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